Перевод: с английского на все языки

со всех языков на английский

I ate New York

  • 1 acronyms (new and funny)

    •• Широкое употребление сокращений – неотъемлемая черта любого живого современного языка. Многих это раздражает, но сокращения – реальность, с которой обязательно должен считаться переводчик. И в русском, и в английском языке, особенно в течение ХХ столетия, «накопились» тысячи, а возможно десятки тысяч сокращений. Но не случайно я поставил это слово в кавычки, ибо сокращения не столько накапливаются, сколько появляются и либо «прячутся», либо исчезают. Иными словами, у них часто весьма узкая сфера распространения и недолгий век. Но какие-то из них – довольно многие – закрепляются в языке практически на всем его «пространстве». Так, почти любому американцу известны такие сокращения, как UN – именно так, а не UNO (United Nations), DC (District of Columbia), NFL (National Football League), PTA (Parent Teacher Association), CD (в зависимости от контекста compact disc или certificate of deposit – срочный сберегательный вклад), MBA (Master of Business Administration), CNN (Cable News Network). В двух последних случаях сокращение живет, можно сказать, своей собственной жизнью, так как многие не знают или забыли его расшифровку. У нас в стране все или почти все знают, что такое ООН, ИТАР-ТАСС (тоже, пожалуй, в отрыве от расшифровки), ЧП, НТВ, ВВС (Военно-воздушные силы), фактически превратившиеся в слова вуз и кпд (коэффициент полезного действия) и многие другие сокращения.

    •• Для переводчика английского языка проблематика сокращений особенно актуальна, так как в последние два десятилетия американцы стали употреблять их значительно чаще, чем раньше. Наверное, они очень спешат, и даже электроника, вроде бы экономящая уйму времени, кажется, лишь подстегивает их бег.
    •• Начнем поэтому с сокращений, многие из которых получили распространение в переписке по электронной почте (ежедневно по электронной почте отправляется 9,8 миллиарда сообщений, из них, согласно оценкам, около половины – в Америке), но постепенно проникают и в другие сферы:
    •• ASAP (произносится по буквам) – as soon as possible;
    •• BTW – by the way;
    •• FCOL – for crying out loud! Это забавное выражение, приблизительный русский эквивалент которого – Ну неужели не ясно? – популярно особенно среди молодежи, но мне приходилось слышать его и от людей достаточно солидных, например, бывшего госсекретаря США Джеймса Бейкера;
    •• FYI – for your information;
    •• IMO – in my opinion (вариант, популярный в молодежной среде – IMHO – in my humble opinion);
    •• IOW – in other words;
    •• OTOH – on the other hand;
    •• TTYL – talk to you later;
    •• WYSIWYG – what you see is what you get. Это выражение, которое впервые встретилось мне в 1972 году во время показа по телевидению знаменитой хоккейной серии СССР-Канада (плакат с этим лозунгом развернули на трибунах канадские болельщики), каждый понимает, наверное, немного по-своему. В данном случае оно значило что-то вроде Мы играем в открытую, а может быть Мы вам покажем. Иногда возможен и почти буквальный перевод: Что видишь, то имеешь. He’s not changed. I’ll argue that till death. What you see is what you get (губернатор штата Коннектикут Дж. Роуланд о президенте Дж.Буше, цитирую по «Нью-Йорк таймс») –...Он весь на виду. В последнее время сокращение WYSIWYG используется также для обозначения программ, позволяющих создавать страницы (сайты) в Интернете, не прибегая к кодированию. Кстати, это выражение не следует путать с as is – так говорят о товарах (часто с явными или скрытыми дефектами), которые продаются с большой скидкой, но без права покупателя предъявлять претензии ( complaintsсм. статью претензия в русско-английской части словаря).
    •• Интересный класс сокращений – имена президентов США. Мне известно по крайней мере три таких сокращения:
    •• FDR – Franklin Delano Roosevelt и, соответственно, FDR Drive – шоссе имени Рузвельта (в Нью-Йорке);
    •• JFK – John Fitzgerald Kennedy и JFK Airport (в Нью-Йорке);
    •• LBJ – Lyndon Baines Johnson.
    •• При президенте Клинтоне некоторое распространение получили сокращения POTUS, VPOTUS и FLOTUS, соответственно President/Vice President/First Lady of the United States.
    •• Нынешнего президента Джорджа Буша (у нас принято называть его «младшим») в США именуют George W. Bush (его отец – просто George Bush, хотя официальное его имя – George H. W. Bush – George Herbert Walker Bush). В журналистике встречается упоминание его имени как W или фамильярное Dubya, например, в заголовке статьи в журнале Men’s Health: Dubya’s Sobering Up Strategy: Will It Work for You? – Подходит ли вам стратегия протрезвления «младшего»?
    •• Эпоха компьютеров и Интернета породила огромное количество сокращений, большинство из которых знакомы лишь «продвинутой» публике, однако некоторые надо знать:
    •• FAQ – frequently asked questions (специальная страница на многих сайтах, содержащая ответы на часто задаваемые вопросы);
    •• HTML – hypertext markup language (система кодирования для создания страниц в Интернете);
    •• ICQ – I seek you (специальный адрес для группового общения в Интернете);
    •• URL – uniform resource locator (унифицированная форма обозначения адресов).
    •• Сокращение ICQ особенно интересно, так как здесь мы имеем дело с так называемым meta-acronym – сокращением по фонетическому подобию. Раньше было известно, пожалуй, лишь одно такое сокращение: IOU ( I owe you) – долговая расписка, вексель. (Интересно, что похожее MOU – вполне обычное сокращение, которое расшифровывается memorandum of understanding – меморандум о договоренности/взаимопонимании.) В переписке по электронной почте встречается сокращение OIC – Oh I see.
    •• В виде одного из компонентов «фонетических псевдосокращений» может выступать цифра 2:
    •• B2B – business to business (деловые отношения «бизнес-бизнес»);
    •• B2C – business to consumer/customer («бизнес-клиент»).
    •• Сокращения с использованием цифр приобретают все большее распространение. Некоторые из них, строго говоря, сокращениями не являются, но условно их можно отнести к этой категории, например 20/20 (произносится twenty-twenty) – то же самое, что у нас окулисты называют единицей, т.е. идеальное зрение. Когда о человеке говорят He has the benefit of 20/20 hindsight, то имеют в виду, что он крепок задним умом.
    •• Похожее цифровое сокращение – 24/7 (произносится twenty-four seven). Смысл его ясен из рекламного лозунга телефонной компании: Sprint will be there for you 24/7 – «Спринт» всегда с вами – семь дней в неделю, двадцать четыре часа в сутки.
    •• Любому образованному американцу известно, что такое 101: например, History 101 – это начальный курс истории, читаемый первокурсникам (freshmen; второкурсники – sophomores; третьекурсники – juniors; четверокурсники – seniors) в американских университетах. В переносном смысле – азы.
    •• Некоммерческие организации, пожертвования в которые позволяют налогоплательщику уменьшить подлежащую обложению сумму своего дохода, называются в США 501 (c) 3 organizations – по нумерации соответствующей статьи законодательства (в устном переводе можно сказать просто благотворительная организация).
    •• Также от нумерации идет и сокращение 401 (k) – так называются индивидуальные сберегательные пенсионные счета с отложенной уплатой налога, открываемые работодателями для своих работников. Аналогичные счета, открываемые частными лицами, называются IRA – Individual Retirement Account (в совершенно ином контексте те же буквы обозначают Irish Republican Army – террористическую организацию Ирландская республиканская армия).
    •• К условной категории «цифровых сокращений» относится 1-800 number (произносится one eight hundred) – так называются специальные телефонные номера, по которым можно звонить бесплатно (они покупаются компаниями или организациями, заинтересованными в максимальном количестве обращений).
    •• Другое «телефонное сокращение» – 911 (произносится nine one one) – номер службы спасения (в США это, как правило, структурное подразделение полиции).
    •• Трагический день 11 сентября 2001 года в устной и письменной речи часто обозначается как 9/11 или 9-11 (произносится nine eleven).
    •• Номер 411 (произносится four one one) набирается в большинстве штатов при звонке в справочное бюро. В разговорной речи это словосочетание употребляется в смысле информация, сведения: Here’s the 411 on the fishing trip.
    •• Наконец, пресловутая компьютерная «проблема-2000», о которой так много говорили, а сейчас потихоньку забывают, обозначалась сокращением Y2K (буква Y в данном случае означает the year, а К – тысячу).
    •• Вошли в язык фактически на правах лексических единиц, понятных большинству, принятые Американской киноассоциацией категории кинофильмов, обозначающие их приемлемость для показа зрителям разных возрастов:
    •• G – General Audience. All ages admitted;
    •• PG – Parental guidance suggested. Some material may not be suitable for younger children;
    •• PG-13 – Parents Strongly Cautioned. Some material may be inappropriate for children under 13;
    •• R – Restricted. Under 17 requires accompanying parent or adult guardian;
    •• NC-17 – No one 17 and under admitted.
    •• Эта добровольная, принятая в 1968 году классификация не включает фильмов, которые характеризуются как X-rated (синоним – porn). Кто-то хорошо сказал: «Я не знаю определения порнографии, но всегда узнаю́ ее, когда вижу». Производители подобной продукции не представляют ее на рассмотрение классификационной комиссии Американской киноассоциации и ее не показывают в обычных кинотеатрах. Интересно, что буква X не обязательно обозначает нечто неприличное. Так, Generation X (существует также вариант gen-x и gen-xers) – поколение Икс – это обозначение нового, «непонятного» поколения, вышедшего на арену в 1990-е годы (своего рода «племя младое, незнакомое»). The X-files - название известного кинофильма, переведенное у нас как «Секретные материалы». Здесь просматривается смысловой компонент «запретности», «ограниченного доступа», а в слове X-rays – рентгеновские лучи – скорее «новизны», недостаточной изученности.
    •• Значительно проще классификация кинофильмов, принятая в Соединенном Королевстве:
    •• U (в соседней Ирландии – Gen) – General release;
    •• 12 – Restricted to over-12s (в Ирландии 12PG – Under 12s admitted if accompanied by a parent or guardian);
    •• 15 – Restricted to over-15s (в Ирландии 15PG – Under 15s admitted if accompanied by a parent or guardian);
    •• 18 – Restricted to over-18s.
    •• В переводе категории киноклассификации следует давать латиницей с пояснением на русском языке (например, фильм категории PG-13 – «некоторые фрагменты нежелательно смотреть детям до 13 лет»).
    •• Несколько слов о так называемых emoticons – emotional icons. Они были придуманы на заре электронной почты, в 1979 году, Кевином Маккензи (Kevin MacKenzie) для обозначения на письме эмоций, выражения лица и т.п. Наиболее известные из них – :) и :( обозначают, соответственно, улыбку и недовольство. Список этих значков желающие могут найти, например, на сайте www.pb.org/emoticon.html. Иногда их заменяют буквенными сокращениями:
    •• <J> – joking;
    •• <L> – laughing;
    •• <S> – smiling;
    •• <Y> – yawning.
    •• И последнее. Сейчас в нашей печати и устной речи английские сокращения нередко даются латиницей без расшифровки и перевода, например NTSC, PAL – системы цветного телевидения, GSM – система мобильной телефонной связи, B-1, G-4 – виды американских въездных виз, www. – начальные буквы адресов в Интернете и многие другие. Это, однако, не освобождает переводчика от необходимости внимательно следить за возникающими сокращениями. Скорее наоборот. Ведь если вы «не в курсе», то рискуете не только не понять, но даже не услышать сокращение, которое будет восприниматься как своего рода фонетический шум.
    •• * Акронимы, порождаемые во все большем количестве самим темпом нынешней жизни, являются законным предметом лексикографической дискуссии. Например, должны ли отражаться в словарях сокращения, содержащие фонетически читаемые числительные? Есть мнение, что сокращение gr8 ( great) – это просто «выпендреж». Вот что пишет одна из моих корреспонденток: «Есть большая разница между B2B (business-to-business) и gr8. В первом случае создан новый термин, в духе интернетовской лапидарности, а gr8 никакого оправдания, по-моему, не имеет. Просто сор. Упаси Бог от расширения применения таких окказиональных акронимов и их утверждения в языке: в истории письменности была уже революция, связанная с использованием пиктограмм как символов алфавита. Зачем нужна новая (фактически обратная) – непонятно». Уточнение другого корреспондента: «Такой “сор”, как gr8, возник благодаря “услуге обмена короткими сообщениями” (SMS) между мобильными телефонами».
    •• И довольно информативное возражение (благодарю автора, выступающего на сайте www.lingvoda.ru под псевдонимом vtora, за это сообщение и многие другие интересные комментарии и замечания): «Подростки с сотовыми телефонами, так называемое Thumb-Generation, т. е. поколение с гиперразвитыми от постоянного клацанья по сотовому большими пальцами, через десять-пятнадцать лет станут CEOs, журналистами, преподавателями, лексикографами и т.д. Часть из них не откажется от SMS-языка, поэтому я не советую игнорировать это явление. Вот сочинение на тему «Как я провел лето» с переводом на BBC English:
    •• My smmr hols wr CWOT. B4, we usd 2 go 2 NY 2C my bro, his GF & thr 3:-\@ kds FTF. ILNY, its gr8.
    •• Bt my Ps wr so:-/BC o 9/11 tht they dcdd 2 stay in SCO & spnd 2wks up N.
    •• Up N, WUCIWUG – 0. I ws vvv brd in MON. 0 bt baas & ^^^^.
    •• AAR8, my Ps wr:-) – they sd ICBW, & tht they wr ha-p 4 the pc&qt...IDTS!! I wntd 2 go hm ASAP, 2C my M8s again.
    •• 2day, I cam bk 2 skool. I feel v O:-) BC I hv dn all my hm wrk. Now its BAU
    •• Here’s the translation:
    •• My summer holidays were a complete waste of time. Before, we used to go to New York to see my brother, his girlfriend and their three screaming kids face to face. I love New York, it’s a great place.
    •• But my parents were so worried because of the terrorism attack on September 11 that they decided we would stay in Scotland and spend two weeks up north.
    •• Up north, what you see is what you get – nothing. I was extremely bored in the middle of nowhere. Nothing but sheep and mountains.
    •• At any rate, my parents were happy. They said that it could be worse, and that they were happy with the peace and quiet. I don’t think so! I wanted to go home as soon as possible, to see my friends again.
    •• Today I came back to school. I feel very saintly because I have done all my homework. Now it’s business as usual.
    •• Должен сказать, что мне удалось правильно расшифровать почти все, за исключением IDTS!, который я принял за Idiots!
    •• По сообщению Daily Telegraph, в новом издании Collins English Dictionary есть следующие сокращения:
    •• A3 means anytime, anywhere, any place; ATB, all the best; BBL, be back later; HAND, have a nice day; KISS, keep it simple, stupid; and IYKWIMAITYD, if you know what I mean and I think you do. GAL, incidentally, translates as get a life.
    •• Недавно по экранам прошло два фильма с подобными акронимами – 2 Fast 2 Furious (с нехитрым «дубль-антандром» – в фильме два главных героя) и известный у нас фильм Л. Мудисона Lilya 4-Ever. Налицо тенденция, набирающая силу.
    •• Конечно, SMS – не единственный источник новых сокращений. Их генераторами продолжают являться такие сферы, как политика, война, бюрократия и т.д. Многие из них входят в язык и должны отражаться в словарях.
    •• Вот, например, цитата из более чем респектабельного New York Review of Books:
    •• The Coalition Media Center, at the Saliyah military base in Doha, Qatar, seems designed to be as annoying and inconvenient as possible for reporters. To get there from the center of town, you have to take a half-hour ride through a baking, barren expanse of desert. At the gate, you have to submit your electronic equipment to a K-9 search, your bags to inspection, and your body to an X-ray scan.
    •• K-9 search – обыск с собаками ( canine search). Сразу можно и не догадаться. (Мне сообщили, что K-9 обязан своей популяризацией одноименному фильму с Дж. Белуши и немецкой овчаркой.)
    •• Интересное сообщение одного из моих корреспондентов: «Видел карикатуру в журнале New Yorker: в легковом автомобиле едет Годзилла, на заднем плане дымящиеся развалины небоскребов. Номерной знак на машине: “I 8 NY”. Еще есть нефтеперерабатывающая компания Q8. Угадайте откуда». Для недогадливых: I ate New York и Kuwait.
    •• Еще одно сокращение стало актуальным в связи с иракской войной. Судя по статье в New York Times, оно пока не всем известно:
    •• A few days ago I talked to a soldier just back from Iraq. He’d been in a relatively calm area; his main complaint was about food. Four months after the fall of Baghdad, his unit was still eating the dreaded M.R.E.’s: meals ready to eat. When Italian troops moved into the area, their food was way more realistic- and American troops were soon trading whatever they could for some of that Italian food.
    •• Забавно здесь и сказанное о еде way more realistic, т.е. гораздо больше похоже на настоящую/реальную еду. Комментарий моего активного корреспондента (псевдоним Red Threat): «Американцы в шутку расшифровывают MRE как Meals Refused by Ethiopians. Насчет того, что они dreaded, – сказки, просто американцы малость закушались. Лично доводилось умять не одну упаковку – вполне съедобно, пусть и не “обеды, как у мамы”».
    •• Официальное американское название «войны с терроризмом» – global war on terrorism, и нередко в текстах это сокращение появляется без предварительной или последующей расшифровки. Так, в одной из статей в журнале Weekly Standard цитируется официальный доклад о Китае:
    •• Although most Chinese observers believe the U.S. force posture post-September 11 is based on a legitimate need to prosecute the GWOT, many remain suspicious and have implied that the ‘real’ U.S. intentions behind the realignment will not be known until the GWOT is more or less over.
    •• Напоминает нашу ВОВ ( Великую Отечественную войну) – сокращение, которое многих коробит. Еще из этого репертуара – GITMO ( Guantanamo) – строго говоря, не сокращение, а условный акроним, как, скажем, LAX ( аэропорт Лос-Анджелес). Наконец, часто встречается AQ ( Al Qaeda).
    •• А вот еще одно сокращение, встречающееся без расшифровки и не всем известное, – FUBAR. Цитата из журнала Atlantic:
    •• I never failed to be impressed by the notion that old-fashioned morality – inflexible and unforgiving – is sufficient unto any FUBAR situation human beings can dream up.
    •• Расшифровку найти было нетрудно: f( ucked) u(p) b( eyond) a(ll) r( ecognition), равно как и определение: utterly botched or confused (оба – из American Heritage Dictionary). Словари дают и другие расшифровки (часто с пометой polite): fouled up beyond all reason/ recognition/ recovery/ reality. Происхождение сокращения (как и аналогичного SNAFU – situation normal all fouled up) – военное: ( WWII military slang) Fucked up beyond all recognition ( or repair). В переводе приведенного примера, как мне кажется, нет особой необходимости искать что-нибудь аналогичное, с военным оттенком. Вариант:
    •• Мне всегда казалась удивительной идея, что старомодной нравственности – никому не уступающей и ничего не прощающей – вполне достаточно, чтобы найти выход из любой, даже самой идиотской/дикой ситуации, в которой может оказаться человек.
    •• Свежий пример акронима, порожденного политической борьбой, – RINO. Расшифровка и определение – в статье из журнала Time:
    •• Republican Senator Arlen Specter, who has angered conservatives by opposing big tax cuts and being pro-choice, now has the RINO hunterson his trail. RINO stands for Republicans in Name Only- meaning moderate Republicans, who are the target of a zealous but increasingly potent group of conservatives called the Club for Growth. <...> “If we’re going to be a major political force,” says club president Stephen Moore, “we have to defeat one of the incumbent RINOs.
    •• То есть республиканцы только на словах.
    •• Помимо отмеченных в «Моем несистематическом словаре» POTUS и FLOTUS встречается (без расшифровки) также SOTU – the State of the Union ( address). Пример из журнала Atlantic:
    •• Within the confines of a SOTU address, something for everyone is the traditional way to go. <...> Each of the President’s SOTU addresses has included a surprise element.
    •• Первое предложение так и хочется перевести:
    •• В посланиях президента « О положении страны» традиционным является принцип «всем сестрам – по серьгам».
    •• Следует добавить в словари и сравнительно новую расшифровку PC – political correctness ( politically correct), часто встречающуюся в публицистике:
    •• From the mouth of a liberal politician, this list of religious symbols might be criticized as PC-style multiculturalism. (Atlantic) - Прозвучи этот перечень религиозных символов из уст политика-либерала, его стали бы ругать за проповедь культурного многообразия в духе политкорректности.
    •• Еще одно дополнение к «Несистематическому»: читая книгу Сузанны Мур In the Cut, я обнаружил, что упущен 900 number. Вот цитата, из которой ясно значение:
    •• Before his death Gacy’s voice could be heard on a 900-number by anyone interested enough to pay three dollars a minute to hear Gacy explain that he didn’t kill those boys. (Чаще пишут без дефиса.)
    •• Эти номера называют pay-per-call numbers (номера, звонок на который оплачивается). Не знаю, есть ли краткий русский эквивалент. Полезная информация о нюансах этой системы на сайте Федеральной комиссии по связи: http://www.fcc.gov/cgb/consumerfacts/900Fact.html.

    English-Russian nonsystematic dictionary > acronyms (new and funny)


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       ■ Statistical
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       ■ Serrão, Joel, ed. Dicionário De História De Portugal, 6 vols. Lisbon, 196371.
       ■ General Histories, Legal, Political Studies, Area and Country Studies
       ■ Almeida, Fortunato de. História de Portugal, 6 vols. Coimbra, 1922-29. Ameal, João. História de Portugal: Das Orígens Até 1940, 4th ed. Oporto, 1958.
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       ■ Bourdon, Albert-Alain. Histoire du Portugal. Paris: Presses Universitaires de France, 1970.
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       ■ Eppstein, John. Portugal: The Country and Its People. London: Queen Anne Press, 1967.
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       ■ Kaplan, Marion. The Portuguese: The Land and Its People, 2nd ed. New York: Viking, 1998.
       ■ Koebel, William. Portugal: Its Land and People. London: Constable, 1909. Livermore, Harold V. A History of Portugal. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1947.
       ■ -. A New History of Portugal. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1976 ed.
       ■ -. Portugal and Brazil: An Introduction. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1953.
       ■ -. A Short History of Portugal. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 1967.
       ■ Martinez, Pedro Soares. História Diplomática de Portugal. Lisbon, 1986. Mattoso, José, ed. História De Portugal, 8 vols. Lisbon: Estampa, 1993-94. Nowell, Charles E. A History of Portugal. New York: Van Nostrand, 1953.
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       ■ Oliveira Marques, A. H. de. História de Portugal, 3 vols. Lisbon, 1972-90, various eds.
       ■ -. History of Portugal, 2 vols. New York: Columbia University Press, 1972; 1976 ed. in one volume.
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       ■ -. Breve Historia De Portugal. Lisbon: Presença, 1995.
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       ■ Opello, Walter C., Jr. Portugal: From Monarchy to Pluralist Democracy. Boulder, Colo.: Westview, 1991. Pajot, Lalé. Le Portugal. Paris: Pichon and Durand, 1971. Pattee, Richard. Portugal and the Portuguese World. Milwaukee, Wisc.: Bruce, 1957.
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       ■ Wiarda, Iêda Siqueira, ed. The Handbook of Portuguese Studies. Washington, D.C.: Xlibris, 2000.
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       ■ Cortesao, Armando, ed. The Suma Oriental of Tomé Pires... and the Book of Francisco Rodrigues, 2 vols. London: Hakluyt Society, 2nd series, vols. 89, 90: 1944.
       ■ Cortesão, Armando, and Avelino Teixeira da Mota, eds. Portugalia monumenta cartographica, 6 vols. Coimbra: CMIH, 1958-63. Cunha Rivara, J. H. da, ed. Arquivo Portuguez Oriental, 9 vols. Nova-Goa, 1857-76.
       ■ Documentos Históricos da Biblioteca Nacional do Rio de Janeiro, 135 vols. Rio de Janeiro, 1928-.
       ■ Documentos remetidos da índia ou livros das Monções, 5 vols. Lisbon: Academia das Ciências, 1880-1935. Fernandes de Oliveira, Mário Antônio, ed. Angolana: Documentação sobre Angola, 2 vols. Lisbon, 1979-80.
       ■ Godinho, Vitorino Magalhães, ed. Documentos sobre a expansão portuguesa, 3 vols. Lisbon: Edit. Gleba, 1947-56.
       ■ Leite, Serafim, SJ, ed. Historia da Companhia de Jesus no Brasil, 10 vols. Lisbon, 1938-50.
       ■ Levine, Robert M., and John J. Crocitti, eds. The Brazil Reader: History, Culture, Politics. Durham, N.C.: Duke University Press, 1999.
       ■ Ley, C. D., ed. Portuguese Voyages, 1498-1663. London: Dent, 1953.
       ■ Magalhães, Joaquim Romero, and Susana Münch Miranda, eds. Os primeiros 14 documentos relativos a Armada de Pedro Alvares Cabral. Lisbon: CNCDP, 1999.
       ■ Pissurlencar, Panduronga. Assentos do Conselho do Estado da índia, 16181750, 5 vols. Bastorá-Goa, India, 1953-57.
       ■ Sá, Padre Artur Basílio de, ed. Documentação para a história das missões do Padroado Português do Oriente: Isulíndia, 6 vols. Lisbon: Agência Geral do Ultramar, 1954-88.
       ■ Silva Marques, João Martins, ed. Descobrimentos Portugueses: Documentos para a sua história, 3 vols. Lisbon, 1944-71. Silva Rego, Antônio da, ed. Documentação para a história das missões do padroado português no Oriente. 12 vols. Lisbon: Agência Geral do Ultramar, 1947-58.
       ■ Barros, João de. Asia. Hernâni Cidade, ed., 4 vols. Lisbon: Agência Geral das Colônias, 1945-46.
       ■ Castanheda, Fernão Lopes de. História do Descobrimento e Conquista da índia pelos Portugueses. Manuel Lopes de Almeida, ed., 2 vols. Oporto: Lello, 1979.
       ■ Correia, Gaspar. Lendas da índia. Manuel Lopes de Almeida, ed., 4 vols. Oporto: Lello, 1975.
       ■. Crónicas de D. Manuel e D. João III ( até 1533). José Pereira da Costa, ed. Lisbon: Academia das Ciências, 1992. Couto, Diogo do. Da Asia [continues De Barros chronicle]. Hernani Cidade, ed., 4 vols. Lisbon: Agência Geral das Colônias, 1945-46.
       ■. O soldado práctico, 2nd ed. M. Rodrigues Lapa, ed. Lisbon: Sá da Costa, 1954.
       ■ Galvão, Antônio. Tratado dos Descobrimentos. Oporto: Liv. Civilização, 1944.
       ■ Gôis, Damião de. Crónica do Felicíssimo Rei D. Manuel. Joaquim de Carvalho and David Lopes, eds., 4 vols. Coimbra: Imprensa da Universidade de Coimbra, 1926.
       ■ Lopes, Fernão. Crónica de D. Pedro I. Barcelos, 1932.
       ■. Crónica de D. Fernando, 2 vols. Barcelos: Portucalense, 1933-35.
       ■. Crónica de El-Rei D. João I, 2 vols. Oporto: Liv. Civilização, 1945- 49.
       ■. The English in Portugal 1367-87: Extracts from the Chronicles of Dom Fernando and Dom João. Derek W. Lomax and R. J. Oakley, trans., eds. Warminster, U.K.: Aris & Phillips, 1988.
       ■ Mendonça, Jerónimo de. Jornada d'Africa, 2 vols. Lisbon, 1904.
       ■ Pereira, Duarte Pacheco. Esmeraldo de situ orbis. George H. T. Kimble, trans. London: Hakluyt Society, vol. 79, 1937.
       ■. Esmeraldo de situ orbis. Damião de Peres, ed. Lisbon: Academia Portuguesa da Histôria, 1988.
       ■ Pina Rui de. Crónica d'El Rey D. Affonso V, 3 vols. Lisbon: Clássicos Portuguezes, 1901-2.
       ■. Crónica d'El Rey D. Affonso II e d'El Rey D. Sancho II. Lisbon: Clássicos Portuguezes, 1906.
       ■. Crónica d'El Rey D. Affonso III. Lisbon: Clássicos Portuguezes, 1908.
       ■. Crónica d'El Rey D. Diniz. Oporto: Liv. Civilização, 1945.
       ■. Crónica d'El Rey D. João II. Coimbra: Imprensa da Universidade de Coimbra, 1950.
       ■ Zurara, Gomes Eanes de. The Chronicle of the Discovery and Conquest of Guinea, 2 vols. C. R. Beazley and Edgar Prestage, trans. London: Hakluyt Society, 1896-99.
       ■. Crónica da tomada de Ceuta. Lisbon, 1915.

    Historical dictionary of Portugal > GENERAL REFERENCES


       For a small country perched on the edge of western Europe but with an early history that began more than 2,000 years ago, there is a vast bibliography extant in many languages. Since general reference works with bibliography on Portugal are few, both principal and minor works are included. In the first edition, works in English, and a variety of Portuguese language works that are counted as significant if not always classic, were included. In the second and third editions, more works in Portuguese are added.
       It is appropriate that most of the works cited in some sections of the bibliograpy are in English, but this pattern should be put in historical perspective. Since the late 1950s, the larger proportion of foreign-language works on Portugal and the Portuguese have been in English. But this was not the case before World War II. As a whole, there were more studies in French, with a smaller number in German, Italian, and Spanish, than in English. Most of the materials published today on all aspects of this topic continue to be in Portuguese, but English-language works have come to outnumber the other non-Portuguese language studies. In addition to books useful to a variety of students, a selection of classic works of use to the visitor, tourist, and foreign resident of Portugal, as well as to those interested in Portuguese communities overseas, have been included.
       Readers will note that publishers' names are omitted from some Portuguese citations as well as from a number of French works. There are several reasons for this. First, in many of the older sources, publishers no longer exist and are difficult to trace. Second, the names of the publishers have been changed in some cases and are also difficult to trace. Third, in many older books and periodicals, printers' names but not publishers were cited, and identifying the publishers is virtually impossible.
       Some recommended classic titles for beginners are in historical studies: José Hermano Saraiva, Portugal: A Companion History (1997); A. H. de Oliveira Marques, History of Portugal (1976 ed.), general country studies in two different historical eras: Sarah Bradford, Portugal (1973) and Marion Kaplan, The Portuguese: The Land and Its People (2002 and later editions); political histories, Antônio de Figueiredo, Portugal: Fifty Years of Dictatorship (1975) and Douglas L. Wheeler, Republican Portugal: A Political History ( 1910-1926) (1978; 1998). On Portugal's Revolution of 25 April 1974 and contemporary history and politics: Kenneth Maxwell, The Making of Portuguese Democracy (1995); Phil Mailer, The Impossible Revolution (1977); Richard A. H. Robinson, Contemporary Portugal: A History (1979); Lawrence S. Graham and Douglas L. Wheeler (eds.), In Search of Modern Portugal: The Revolution and Its Consequences (1983); Lawrence S. Graham and Harry M. Makler (eds.), Contemporary Portugal: The Revolution and its Antecedents (1979). On contemporary Portuguese society, see Antonio Costa Pinto (ed.), Contemporary Portugal: Politics, Society, Culture (2003).
       Enduring works on the history of Portugal's overseas empire include: C. R. Boxer, The Portuguese Seaborne Empire, 1415-1825 (1969 and later editions); and Bailey W. Diffie and George Winius, The Foundations of the Portuguese Empire, 1415-1580 (1977); on Portugal and the Age of Discoveries: Charles Ley (ed.), Portuguese Voyages 1498-1663 (2003). For a new portrait of the country's most celebrated figure of the Age of Discoveries, see Peter Russell, Prince Henry 'The Navigator': A Life (2000). A still useful geographical study about a popular tourist region is Dan Stanislawski's Portugal's Other Kingdom: The Algarve (1963). A fine introduction to a region of rural southern Portugal is José Cutileiro's A Portuguese Rural Society (1971).
       Early travel account classics are Almeida Garrett, Travels in My Homeland (1987) and William Beckford, Recollections of an Excursion to the Monasteries of Alcobaca and Batalha (1969 and later editions). On travel and living in Portugal, see Susan Lowndes Marques and Ann Bridge, The Selective Traveller in Portugal (1968 and later editions); David Wright and Patrick Swift, Lisbon: A Portrait and Guide (1968 and later editions); Sam Ballard and Jane Ballard, Pousadas of Portugal (1986); Richard Hewitt, A Cottage in Portugal (1996);
       Ian Robertson, Portugal: The Blue Guide (1988 and later editions); and Anne de Stoop, Living in Portugal (1995). Fine reads on some colorful, foreign travellers in Portugal are found in Rose Macauley, They Went to Portugal (1946 and later editions) and They Went to Portugal Too (1990). An attractive blend of historical musing and current Portugal is found in Paul Hyland's, Backing Out of the Big World: Voyage to Portugal (1996); Datus Proper's The Last Old Place: A Search through Portugal (1992); and Portugal's 1998 Nobel Prize winner in Literature, José Sarmago, writes in Journey through Portugal (2001).
       For aspects of Portuguese literature in translation, see Aubrey F. G. Bell, The Oxford Book of Portuguese Verse (1952 edition by B. Vidigal); José Maria Eça de Queirós, The Maias (2007 and earlier editions); and José Sara-mago's Baltasar and Blimunda (1985 and later editions), as well as many other novels by this, Portugal's most celebrated living novelist. See also Landeg White's recent translation of the national 16th century epic of Luis de Camóes, The Lusiads (1997). A classic portrait of the arts in Portugal during the country's imperial age is Robert C. Smith's The Art of Portugal, 1500-1800 (1968).
       For those who plan to conduct research in Portugal, the premier collection of printed books, periodicals, and manuscripts is housed in the country's national library, the Biblioteca Nacional de Lisboa, in Lisbon. Other important collections are found in the libraries of the major universities in Coimbra, Lisbon, and Oporto, and in a number of foundations and societies. For the history of the former colonial empire, the best collection of printed materials remains in the library of Lisbon's historic Geography Society, the Sociedade de Geografia de Lisboa, Lisbon; and for documents there is the state-run colonial archives, the Arquivo Historico Ultramarino, in Restelo, near Lisbon. Other government records are deposited in official archives, such as those for foreign relations in the archives of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, housed in Necessidades Palace, Lisbon.
       For researchers in North America, the best collections of printed materials on Portugal are housed in the Library of Congress, Washington, D.C.; New York Public Library, New York City; Newberry Library, Chicago, Illinois; and in university libraries including those of Harvard, Yale, Johns Hopkins, Brown, Indiana, Illinois, University of California at Los Angeles, University of California - Berkeley, University of California - Santa Barbara, Stanford, Florida State, Duke, University of New Hampshire, Durham, University of Toronto, University of Ottawa, McGill, and University of British Columbia. Records dealing with Portuguese affairs are found in U.S. government archives, including, for instance, those in the National Archives and Record Service (NARS), housed in Washington, D.C.
       ■ Academia Portuguesa de História. Guia Bibliográfica Histórica Portuguesa. Vol. I-?. Lisbon, 1954-.
       ■ Anselmo, Antônio Joaquim. Bibliografia das bibliografias portuguesas. Lisbon: Biblioteca Nacional, 1923.
       ■ Bell, Aubrey F. G. Portuguese Bibliography. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1922.
       ■ Borchardt, Paul. La Bibliographie de l'Angola, 1500-1900. Brussels, 1912. Chilcote, Ronald H., ed. and comp. The Portuguese Revolution of 25 April 1974. Annotated bibliography on the antecedents and aftermath. Coimbra: Centro de Documentação 25 de Abril, Universidade de Coimbra, 1987. Cintra, Maria Adelaide Valle. Bibliografia de textos medievais portugueses. Lisbon: Centro de Estudos Filolôgicos, 1960.
       ■ Costa, Mário. Bibliografia Geral de Moçambique. Lisbon, 1945. Coutinho, Bernardo Xavier da Costa. Bibliographie franco-portugaise: Essai d'une bibliographie chronologique de livres français sur le Portugal. Oporto: Lopes da Silva, 1939.
       ■ Diffie, Bailey W. "A Bibliography of the Principal Published Guides to Portuguese Archives and Libraries," Proceedings of the International Colloquium on Luso-Brazilian Studies. Nashville, Tenn., 1953. Gallagher, Tom. Dictatorial Portugal, 1926-1974: A Bibliography. Durham, N.H.: International Conference Group on Portugal, 1979.
       ■ Gibson, Mary Jane. Portuguese Africa: A Guide to Official Publications. Washington, D.C.: Library of Congress, 1967. Greenlee, William B. "A Descriptive Bibliography of the History of Portugal." Hispanic American Historical Review XX (August 1940): 491-516. Gulbenkian, Fundação Calouste. Boletim Internacional de Bibliografia Luso-Brasileira. Vol. 1-15. Lisbon, 1960-74.
       ■ Instituto Camoes. Faculdade de Letras da Universidade De Coimbra. Repertorio Bibliografico da Historiografia Portuguesa ( 1974-1994). Coimbra:
       ■ Instituto Camoes; Universidade de Coimbra, 1995. Junta De Investigações Científicas Do Ultramar. Bibliografia Da Junta De Investigações Científicas Do Ultramar Sobre Ciências Humanas E Sociais. Lisbon: Junta de Investigações Científicas Do Ultramar, 1975. Kettenring, Norman E., comp. A Bibliography of Theses and Dissertations on Portuguese Topics Completed in the United States and Canada, 1861-1983.
       ■ Durham, N.H.: International Conference Group on Portugal, 1984. Kunoff, Hugo. Portuguese Literature from Its Origins to 1990: A Bibliography Based on the Collections at Indiana University. Metuchen, N.J.: Scarecrow Press, 1994.
       ■ Laidlar, John. Lisbon. World Bibliographical Series, Vol. 199. Oxford: ABC-Clio, 1997.. Portugal. World Bibliographical Series, Vol. 71, rev. ed. Oxford: ABC-Clio, 2000.
       ■ Lomax, William. Revolution in Portugal: 1974-1976. A Bibliography. Durham, N.H.: International Conference Group on Portugal, 1978.
       ■ McCarthy, Joseph M. Guinea-Bissau and Cape Verde Islands: A Comprehensive Bibliography. New York: Garland, 1977.
       ■ Moniz, Miguel. Azores. World Bibliographical Series, Vol. 221. Oxford: ABC-Clio, 1999.
       ■ Nunes, José Lúcio, and José Júlio Gonçalves. Bibliografia Histórico-Militar do Ultramar Portugües. Lisbon, 1956. Pélissier, René. Bibliographies sur l'Afrique Luso-Hispanophone 1800-1890.
       ■ Orgeval, France: 1980. Portuguese Studies. London. 1984-. Annual.
       ■ Portuguese Studies Newsletter. No. 1-23 (1976-90). Durham, N.H.: International Conference Group on Portugal. Semiannual.
       ■ Portuguese Studies Review. Vols. 1-9 (1991-2001). Durham, N.H.: International Conference Group on Portugal. Semi-Annual.. Vols. 10- (2002-). Durham, N.H.: Trent University; Peterborough, Ontario, Canada.
       ■ Rocha, Natércia. Bibliografia geral da Literatura Portuguesa para Crianças. Lisbon: Edit. Comunicação, 1987.
       ■ Rogers, Francis Millet, and David T. Haberly. Brazil, Portugal and Other Portuguese-Speaking Lands: A List of Books Primarily in English. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1968.
       ■ Silva, J. Donald. A Bibliography on the Madeira Islands. Durham, N.H.: International Conference Group on Portugal, 1987.
       ■ Teixeira, Carlos, and G. Lavigne. Os portugueses no Canadá: Uma bibliografia ( 1953-1996). Lisbon: Direção-Geral dos Assuntos Consulares e Comunidades Portuguesas, 1998.
       ■ University of Coimbra, Faculty of Letters. Bibliografia Anual de História de Portugal. Vol. 1. [sources published beginning in 1989- ] Coimbra: Grupo de História; Faculdade de Letras; Universidade de Coimbra, 1992-.
       ■ Unwin, P. T. H., comp. Portugal. World Bibliographical Series, Vol. 71. Oxford, U.K.: ABC-Clio Press, 1987.
       ■ Viera, David J., et al., comp. The Portuguese in the United States ( Supplement to the 1976 Leo Pap Bibliography). Durham, N.H.: International Conference Group on Portugal, 1990.
       ■ Welsh, Doris Varner, comp. A Catalogue of the William B. Greenlee Collection of Portuguese History and Literature and the Portuguese Materials in the Newberry Library. Chicago: Newberry Library, 1953.
       ■ Wiarda, Iêda Siqueira, ed. The Handbook of Portuguese Studies. Washington, D.C.: Xlibris, 2000.
       ■ Wilgus, A. Curtis. Latin America, Spain & Portugal: A Selected & Annotated Bibliographical Guide to Books Published 1954-1974. Metuchen, N.J.: Scarecrow Press, 1977.
       ■ Winius, George. "Bibliographical Essay: A Treasury of Printed Source Materials Pertaining to the XV and XVI Centuries." In George Winius, ed., Portugal, the Pathfinder: Journeys from the Medieval toward the Modern World, 1300-ca. 1600, 373-401. Madison, Wis.: Hispanic Seminary of Medieval Studies, 1995.
       ■ Africana. Oporto. Semiannual.
       ■ Africa Report. New York. Monthly or bimonthly.
       ■ Africa Today. Denver, Colo. Quarterly.
       ■ Agenda Cultural. Lisbon. Monthly.
       ■ Almanaque do Exército. Lisbon, 1912-40.
       ■ American Historical Review. Washington, D.C. Quarterly.
       ■ Anais das Bibliotecas e Arquivos. Lisbon. Annual.
       ■ Análise do sector público administrativo e empresarial. Lisbon. Quarterly. Análise Social. Lisbon. Quarterly.
       ■ Anglo-Portuguese News. Monte Estoril and Lisbon. 1937-2003. Biweekly and weekly.
       ■ Antropológicas. Oporto. 1998-. Semiannual. Anuário Católico de Portugal. Lisbon. Annual.
       ■ Archipélago. Revista do Instituto Universitário dos Açores. Punta Delgado. Semiannual. Architectural Digest. New York. Monthly. Archivum. Paris. Quarterly. Arqueologia. Oporto. Annual.
       ■ Arqueólogo Portugües, O. Lisbon. 1958-. Semiannual Arquivo das Colónias. Lisbon. 1917-33. Arquivo de Beja. Beja. Annual. Arquivo Histórico Portuguez. Lisbon.
       ■ Arquivos da Memória. Lisbon. 1997-. Semiannual.
       ■ Arquivos do Centro Cultural Portugües [Fundação Gulbenkian, Paris]. Paris. Annual.
       ■ Avante! Lisbon. Portuguese Communist Party. Daily. Biblos. Lisbon. Semiannual.
       ■ Boletim da Sociedade de Geografia de Lisboa. Lisbon Quarterly; Bimonthly.
       ■ Boletim de Estudos Operários. Lisbon. Semiannual.
       ■ Boletim do Arquivo Histórico Militar. Lisbon. Semiannual.
       ■ Boletim do Instituto Histórico da Ilha Terceira. Angra do Heroismo, Terceira, Azores Islands. Semiannual. Boletim Geral do Ultramar. Lisbon. Bracara Augusta. Braga. Brigantia. Lisbon. 1990-. Semiannual.
       ■ British Bulletin of Publications on Latin America... Portugal and Spain. London. 1949-. Semiannual. British Historical Society of Portugal. Annual Report and Review. Lisbon. Brotéria. Lisbon. Quarterly. Bulletin des Etudes Portugaises. Paris. Quarterly.
       ■ Cadernos de Arqueologia. Braga. Semiannual and annual. Monographs.
       ■ Cadernos do Noroeste. Braga, University of Minho. Semiannual.
       ■ Camões Center Quarterly. New York.
       ■ Capital, A. Lisbon. Daily newspaper.
       ■ Clio. Lisbon. 1996-. Annual.
       ■ Clio-Arqueologia. Lisbon. 1983-. Annual.
       ■ Colóquio/ Artes. Lisbon. Gulbenkian Foundation. Quarterly.
       ■ Colóquio/ Letras. Lisbon. Gulbenkian Foundation. Quarterly.
       ■ Conimbriga. Coimbra.
       ■ Cultura. London. Quarterly.
       ■ Democracia e Liberdade. Lisbon. Semiannual.
       ■ Dia, O. Lisbon. Daily newspaper.
       ■ Diário da Câmara de Deputados. Lisbon. 1911-26.
       ■ Diário de Lisboa. Lisbon. Daily newspaper.
       ■ Diário de Notícias. Lisbon. Daily newspaper of record.
       ■ Diário do Governo. Lisbon. 1910-74.
       ■ Diário do Senado. Lisbon. 1911-26.
       ■ Documentos. Centro de Documentação 25 de Abril. Coimbra. Quarterly.
       ■ E-Journal of Portuguese History. Providence, R.I. Quarterly.
       ■ Economia. Lisbon. Quarterly.
       ■ Economia e Finanças. Lisbon. Semiannual.
       ■ Economia e Sociologia. Lisbon. Quarterly.
       ■ Economist, The. London. Weekly magazine.
       ■ Estratégia Internacional. Lisbon.
       ■ Estudos Contemporâneos. Lisbon.
       ■ Estudos de economia. Lisbon. Semiannual.
       ■ Estudos históricos e económicos. Oporto. Semiannual.
       ■ Estudos Medievais. Lisbon. Semiannual.
       ■ Estudos Orientais. Lisbon, 1990. Semiannual.
       ■ Ethnologia. Lisbon. Semiannual.
       ■ Ethnologie Française. Paris. Quarterly.
       ■ Ethnos. Lisbon. Semiannual.
       ■ European History Quarterly. Lancaster, U.K., 1970-. Quarterly.
       ■ Expresso. Lisbon. 1973-. Weekly newspaper.
       ■ Facts and Reports. Amsterdam. Collected press clippings.
       ■ Financial Times. London. Daily; special supplements on Portugal.
       ■ Finisterra. Lisbon. Quarterly.
       ■ Flama. Lisbon. Monthly magazine.
       ■ Garcia de Orta. Lisbon. Quarterly.
       ■ Gaya. Oporto. Semiannual.
       ■ Hispania. USA. Quarterly.
       ■ Hispania Antiqua. Madrid. Semiannual.
       ■ Hispanic American Historical Review. Chapel Hill, N.C. Quarterly. História. Lisbon. Monthly.
       ■ Iberian Studies. Nottingham, U.K. Quarterly or Semiannual.
       ■ Indicadores económicos. Lisbon. Bank of Portugal. Monthly. Ingenium. Revista da Ordem dos Engenheiros. Lisbon. Semiannual.
       ■ International Journal of Iberian Studies. London and Glasgow, 1987-. Semiannual.
       ■ Illustração Portugueza. Lisbon. 1911-1930s. Magazine. Instituto, O. Coimbra. Annual.
       ■ Itinerário. Leiden (Netherlands). 1976-. Semiannual. Jornal, O. Lisbon. Weekly newspaper. Jornal de Letras, O. Lisbon. Weekly culture supplement. Jornal do Fundão. Fundão, Beira Alta. Weekly newspaper. Journal of European Economic History. Quarterly.
       ■ Journal of Modern History. Chicago, Ill. Quarterly.
       ■ Journal of Southern European Society & Politics. Athens, Greece. 1995-. Quarterly.
       ■ Journal of the American Portuguese Culture Society. New York. 1966-81. Semiannual or annual. Ler História. Lisbon. Quarterly. Lisboa: Revista Municipal. Lisbon. Quarterly.
       ■ Lusíada: Revista trimestral de ciência e cultura. Lisbon. 1989-. Three times a year.
       ■ Lusitania Sacra. Lisbon. Quarterly.
       ■ Luso-Americano, O. Newark, N.J. Weekly newspaper.
       ■ Luso-Brazilian Review. Madison, Wisc. 1964-. Semiannual.
       ■ Lusotopie. Paris. 1995-. Annual.
       ■ Nova economia. Lisbon. Semiannual.
       ■ Numismática. Lisbon. Semiannual.
       ■ Oceanos. Lisbon. Bimonthly.
       ■ Ocidente. Lisbon. Monthly.
       ■ Olisipo. Lisbon. Semiannual.
       ■ Ordem do Exército. Lisbon. 1926-74. Monthly.
       ■ Penélope. Lisbon. Semiannual.
       ■ Política Internacional. Lisbon. 1990-. Quarterly.
       ■ Portugal. Annuário Estatístico do Ultramar. Lisbon. 1950-74.
       ■ Portugal em Africa. Lisbon. 1894-1910. Bimonthly.
       ■ Portugal socialista. Lisbon. Semiannual.
       ■ Portugália. Lisbon. Semiannual.
       ■ Portuguese & Colonial Bulletin. London. 1961-74. Quarterly. Portuguese Studies. London. 1985-. Annual.
       ■ Portuguese Studies Newsletter. Durham, N.H. 1976-90. Semiannual.
       ■ Portuguese Studies Review. Durham, N.H. 1991-2001; Trent, Ont. 2002-. Semiannual.
       ■ Portuguese Times. New Bedford, Mass. Weekly newspaper.
       ■ Povo Livre. Lisbon. Monthly.
       ■ Primeiro do Janeiro. Oporto. Daily newspaper.
       ■ Quaderni Portoghesi. Rome. 1974-. Semiannual.
       ■ Race. A Journal of Race and Group Relations. London. Quarterly.
       ■ Recherches en Anthropologie au Portugal. Paris. 1995-. Annual.
       ■ República, A. Lisbon. Daily newspaper.
       ■ Revista Crítica de Ciências Sociais. Coimbra. Quarterly.
       ■ Revista da Biblioteca Nacional. Lisbon. Quarterly.
       ■ Revista da Faculdade de Letras. Lisbon. Quarterly. Revista da Faculdade de Letras. Oporto. Semiannual. Revista da Universidade de Coimbra. Coimbra. Quarterly. Revista de Ciência Política. Lisbon. Semiannual. Revista de Ciências Agrárias. Lisbon. Semiannual. Revista de Economia. Lisbon. 1953-. Three times a year. Revista de Estudos Anglo-Portugueses. Lisbon. Annual. Revista de Estudos Históricos. Rio de Janeiro. Semiannual. Revista de Guimarães. Guimarães. Semiannual. Revista de História. São Paulo, Brazil. Semiannual. Revista de História Económica e Social. Oporto. Semiannual. Revista de Infanteria. Lisbon. Quarterly.
       ■ Revista Internacional de Estudos Africanos. Lisbon. Semiannual.
       ■ Revista Lusitana. Lisbon. Quarterly.
       ■ Revista Militar. Lisbon. Quarterly.
       ■ Revista Portuguesa de História. Coimbra. Quarterly.
       ■ Sábado. Lisbon. Weekly news magazine.
       ■ Seara Nova. Lisbon. 1921-. Bimonthly.
       ■ Século, O. Lisbon. Daily Newspaper.
       ■ Selecções do Readers Digest. Lisbon. Monthly.
       ■ Semanário económico. Lisbon. Weekly.
       ■ Setúbal arqueologica. Setúbal. Semiannual.
       ■ Sigila. Paris. 1998-. Semiannual.
       ■ Sintria. Sintra. Annual.
       ■ Sociedade e Território. Revista de estudos urbanos e regionais. Oporto. 1986-. Quarterly.
       ■ Studia. Lisbon. Quarterly.
       ■ Studium Generale. Oporto. Quarterly.
       ■ Tempo, O. Lisbon. Daily newspaper.
       ■ Tempo e o Modo, O. Lisbon. 1968-74. Quarterly.
       ■ Trabalhos de Antropologia E Etnologia. Lisbon. Semiannual.
       ■ Trabalhos de Arqueologia. Lisbon. Annual.
       ■ Translation. New York. Quarterly.
       ■ Ultramar. Lisbon. 1960-71. Quarterly.
       ■ Veja. São Paulo. Weekly news magazine.
       ■ Veleia. Lisbon. Semiannual.
       ■ Vida Mundial. Lisbon. Weekly news magazine.
       ■ West European Politics. London. Quarterly.

    Historical dictionary of Portugal > INTRODUCTION

  • 4 volleyball

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    ● Villiam G. Morgan instruktor dhe drejtues i sportit në YMCA (Young Men's Christian Association) në Holyoke në vitin 1895 shpiku lojën e volejbollit. Ai duke u bazuar në karakteristikat e disa lojërave sportive si: basketbollit, tenisit bejsbollit dhe hendbollit vendos te bëj një lojë të re me emrin mintonette. William Morgan vendosi që t'i bashkoj disa nga elementet teknike të lojërave të lartëpërmendura dhe kështu ai shpik një lojë të re për biznismenët që i ushtronte, lojë e cila do të kishte më pak kontakt fizik në mes të lojëtarëvë të dy skuadrave që loznin këtë lojë të re sportive. Atij basketbolli i dukej një lojë sportive shumë e ashpër. Morgan huazon rrjeten nga tenisi dhe ate e ngrit në një lartësi pak mbi kokën e një njeriu mesatar.
    ● Kur Morgani demonstronte këtë lojë të re dikush nga të pranishmit vërejti se topi kalohet nga njëra anë e rrjetës në ate tjetrën pa rënë në tokë dhe pa u hamendë tha se kjo lojë duhet që patjeter të quhet volejboll. Ky emër më së shumti i ngjanë përshkrimit të lojës së posashpikur dhe për ketë shkak ajo mëtutje e ruan emërtimin VOLEJBOLL.
    ● Më 7 korik të vitit 1896 u luajt loja e pare e volejbollit në Kolexhin Springfild.
    ● Në viiin 1900 dizajnohet topi i parë special për volejboll. Në të njejtën kohë YMCA promovon volejbollin në Kanada, Orient (shtetet e Lindjes; hemisfera lindore) dhe hemisferën Jugore.
    Në vitin 1905 YMCA përhap volejbollin në Kubë".
    Në vitin 1907 në konventën e shoqatave sporave Amerikane volejboili prezentohet si një ndër sportet më të popullarizuara në Amerikë.
    ● Në vitin 1909 YMCA prezenton volejbollin në Porto Riko, kurse më 1912 në Uruguaj dhe më 1912 në Brazil.
    ● Në vitin 1913 volejbolli futet në programën e Lojërave Aziatike.
    ● Në vitin 1916 në Filipne për herë të parë fillon të apikohet një stil ofensif i kesaj loje. Pranimi i shërbimit bëhet me një trajektore të lartë me qëllim që ndonjëri nga sulmuesit ta gjuan dhe t'a dergoi ate nga ana e tjetër e rrjetës. Këtë mënyrë e gjuajtjes Filipinasit e quajtën "Bomberino"- bombë ose gjuajtje vrasëse.
    ● Në vitin 1917 ndryshon numri i pikeve me të cilat fitohet një set edhe ate prej 21 në l5.
    ● Në vitin 1917 volejbolli fillon të përhapet në kontinentin e Afrikës dhe Europës. Në Europe kjo lojë sportive sëpari përhapet në France. Gjatë Luftave Ballkanike ky sport përhapet edhe në vendet e Ballkanit nga ushtarët francez, së pari në Strumicë të Maqedonisë dhe më pastaj në shtetet tjera të Europës.
    ● Në vitin 1919 forcat Amerikane u distribuojnë 16.000 topa volejboili trupave të tyre dhe atyre aleate. Kjo gjë ndikoi që volejboili të stimulohet dhe të përhapet edhe më gjerë dhe më shpejt.
    ● Në vitin 1920 vendoset që në një anë të fushës të ketë vetëm tre kontakte me topin.
    ● Në vitin 1922 në Brooklyn të shtetit New York mbahet Kampionati i Parë Kombëtar Amerikan ku morrin pjesë 27 skuadra nga 11 shtete të SHBA-së.
    ● Në vitin 1928 themelohet Lidhja Volejbollistikë e Shtëteve të Bashkuara të Amerikës e cila sot mban emrin USA Vollejball.
    ● Në të njejtin vit d.m.th. më 1928 bëhet përpjekja e parë që të themelohet Federata botërore e Volejbollit (FIVB), por pa sukses.
    ● Në vitin 1930 organizohet loja e pare në volejboll të plazhit (Beach volleyball) me nga dy lojtarë (meshkuj).
    ● Në vitin 1934 bëhet miratimi i gjyqtarëve nacional Amerikan të volejbollit
    ● Në vitin 1934 në Stokholm të Suedisë bëhet përpjekja e dytë për të themeluar Federatën Botërore të Volejbollit, por edhe kësaj here pa sukses, pasi nuk mundën të unifikohen rregullat e volejbollit në tërë botën.
    ● Në vitin 1940 për herë të parë promovohet pranimi i topit nga shërbimi me llëra
    (parakrah). Gjer në këtë kohë topi pranohej me gishtërinjë.
    ● Në vitin 1946 në Pragë të Çekisë konstituohet komisioni i FTVB-së dhe më 1947 në Paris të Francës u organizua Kongresi i Parë i FTVB-së me pjesëmarjen e 14 shteteve të Botës.
    ● Në vitin 1949 mbahet Kampionati i Parë Botërorë në Volejboll në Pragë të Çekisë.
    ● Në vitin 1957 Komiteti Botërorë Olimpik vendosë që volejbolli të futet në programën e Lojërave Olimpike si sport ekipor në Lojërat olimpike që do të mbahen në vitin 1964 në Tokio të Japonisë.
    ● Në vitin 1959 Federata Internacionale Sportive Universitare FISU në Turin të Italisë orgaiuzon lojërat e para Sportive Universitare dhe këtu volejbolli ishte njëri nga tetë sportet garuese.
    ● Në vitin 1960 futen elementë teknik të rinjë në lojën e volejbollit si: ngecja (sulmi me dredhi), pranimi i topit me llëra (bump), bllokimi i sulmit mbi rrjetë dhe plonzhoni.
    ● Në vitin 1964 volejbolli bën pjesë në Lojërat Olimpike të Tokios në Japoni.
    ● Në vitm 1974 për herë të parë volejbolli transmetohet nëpërmjet televizionit. Nga Meksika transmetohet gjallë një ndeshje për shikuesit Japonez.
    ● Në vitin 1983 themelohet Asociaciom i Profesionalistëve Amerikan të Volejbollit për meshkuj, kurse në vitin 1986 ai i femrave.
    ● Viti 1987 korespondon me organizimin e Kampionatit të Parë Botërorë në Volejboll të Plazhit (Beach Volleyball).
    ● Në vitin 1990 themelohet Liga Botërore e Volejbollit.
    ● Në vitin 1995 është viti jubilar i 100 vjetorit të ekzistimit të volejbollit dhe tani ka më tepër se 800.000.000 lojtarë që lozin së paku një here në javë volejboll.
    ● Në vitin 1996 volejbolli i plazhit (dy lojtarë) bëhet sport olimpik ekipor.

    English-Albanian dictionary > volleyball

  • 5 fly

    A n
    1 Zool, Fishg mouche f ;
    2 ( of trousers) = flies 1 ;
    3 ( of tent) = fly sheet 1 ;
    4 ( of flag) ( outer edge) bord m flottant ; ( length) battant m ;
    5 GB Hist ( carriage) fiacre m.
    1 ( of trousers) braguette f ; your flies are undone ta braguette est ouverte ;
    2 Theat cintres mpl.
    C adj
    1 US chic ;
    2 GB ( clever) malin.
    D vtr ( prét flew ; pp flown)
    1 ( operate) piloter [aircraft, spacecraft, balloon] ; faire voler [model aircraft, kite] ; the pilot flew the plane to… le pilote a emmené l'avion jusqu'à… ; to fly sth to the moon piloter qch jusqu'à la lune ;
    2 ( transport by air) emmener [qn] par avion [person] ; transporter [qch/qn] par avion [animal, wounded, supplies, food] ; we will fly you to New York for £150 nous vous emmènerons à New York (en avion) pour 150 livres sterling ; to fly troops/food out to the scene acheminer des troupes/des vivres sur les lieux par avion ;
    3 ( cross by air) traverser [qch] en avion [Atlantic, Channel] ;
    4 ( cover by air) [bird, aircraft, spacecraft] parcourir [distance] ; I fly over 10,000 km a year ( as passenger) je vole plus de 10 000 km par an ; ( as pilot) je fais plus de 10 000 km par an ;
    5 ( display) [ship] arborer [flag, ensign, colours] ; [organization, person] agiter [flag] ; the embassy was flying the German flag le drapeau allemand flottait sur l'ambassade ;
    6 sout ( flee) quitter [country].
    E vi ( prét flew ; pp flown)
    1 [bird, insect, aircraft, rocket, balloon, kite] voler (from de ; to à) ; to fly north/south voler vers le nord/vers le sud ; to fly over ou across sth survoler qch ; to fly past ou over(head) passer dans le ciel ; a swan flew past the window un cygne est passé devant la fenêtre (en volant) ; to fly into a cage entrer dans une cage (en volant) ; to fly into a tree percuter un arbre (en vol) ; to fly into Gatwick atterrir à Gatwick ; the bird flew down and ate the bread l'oiseau s'est abattu sur le pain et l'a mangé ; there's a mosquito flying around il y a un moustique ; rumours were flying (around) des bruits circulaient ;
    2 [passenger] voyager en avion, prendre l'avion ; [pilot] piloter, voler ; to fly from Orly partir d'Orly ; to fly from Rome to Athens aller de Rome à Athènes en avion ; to fly in Concorde prendre le Concorde ; she flew to Madrid in a helicopter elle est allée à Madrid en hélicoptère ; we fly to Boston twice a day [airline] nous avons deux vols par jour pour Boston ; to fly over ou across sth survoler [Alps, Paris, Atlantic] ; to fly out to s'envoler pour ; to fly home rentrer en avion ; to fly around the world faire le tour du monde en avion ;
    3 ( be propelled) [bullet, glass, sparks, insults, threats] voler ; to fly over the wall/across the room/into the room voler par-dessus le mur/à travers la pièce/dans la pièce ; a splinter flew into his eye il a reçu une écharde dans l'œil ; to fly in all directions voler dans toutes les directions ; to fly off s'envoler ; to fly open s'ouvrir brusquement ; to go flying [person] faire un vol plané ; [object, objects] valdinguer ; to send sb flying jeter qn sur le carreau ; to send sth flying envoyer valdinguer qch ; to fly at sb sauter sur qn ; to fly into a rage ou temper fig se mettre en colère ; to fly into a panic fig paniquer, s'affoler ;
    4 (rush, hurry) I must fly! il faut que je file ! ; to fly past/in/out etc passer/entrer/sortir etc en trombe ;
    5 ( go quickly) ( also fly past, fly by) [time, holidays] passer vite, filer ; time flies when you're having fun! le temps passe vite quand on s'amuse! ;
    6 (flutter, wave) [flag, scarf, cloak, hair] flotter ; to fly in the wind flotter au vent ;
    7 sout ( flee) s'enfuir ; to fly from sb/sth fuir qn/qch.
    to drop/die like flies tomber/mourir comme des mouches ; he wouldn't hurt ou harm a fly il ne ferait pas de mal à une mouche ; there are no flies on her elle n'est pas née de la dernière pluie ; to fly in the face of ( defy) défier [authority, danger, tradition] ; ( contradict) être en contradiction flagrante avec [evidence, proof] ; to let fly (with) lit tirer [arrow, hail of bullets] ; to let fly a stream of abuse lancer un flot d'injures ; to let fly at sb s'en prendre à qn ; he really let fly il a piqué une crise terrible.
    fly away lit, fig s'envoler.
    fly in:
    fly in [person] accourir en avion ; to fly in from Oslo accourir d'Oslo en avion ;
    fly [sth/sb] in, fly in [sth/sb] acheminer [qch] par avion [food, supplies] ; to have sb/sth flown in faire venir qn/qch par avion.
    fly off [bird, insect] s'envoler.

    Big English-French dictionary > fly

  • 6 last

    last1 [lɑ:st]
    (a) (with dates, times of day) dernier;
    last Monday lundi dernier;
    last week/year la semaine/l'année dernière;
    last July en juillet dernier, l'année dernière au mois de juillet;
    last night (at night) cette nuit, la nuit dernière; (in the evening) hier soir
    (b) (final) dernier;
    the last train le dernier train;
    the last guest to arrive le dernier des invités à arriver;
    the last syllable but one l'avant-dernière syllabe;
    that was the last time I saw him c'était la dernière fois que je le voyais;
    that's the last time I do HIM a favour c'est la dernière fois que je lui rends service;
    it's your last chance c'est votre dernière chance;
    at the last minute or moment à la dernière minute, au dernier moment;
    it's our last day here c'est notre dernière journée ici;
    I'm down to my last cigarette il ne me reste plus qu'une seule cigarette;
    they were down to their last few bullets il ne leur restait pratiquement plus de munitions;
    one of the last few survivors un des tout derniers survivants;
    the last two pages les deux dernières pages;
    I'll sack every last one of them! je vais tous les virer!;
    every last scrap of bread had been eaten on avait mangé jusqu'à la dernière miette;
    she used up every last ounce of energy elle a utilisé tout ce qui lui restait d'énergie;
    to the last detail dans les moindres détails;
    American the movie was her last hurrah c'est avec ce film qu'elle a fait ses adieux au cinéma;
    the concert was her last hurrah c'est avec ce concert qu'elle a fait ses adieux au public;
    they were prepared to fight to the last man ils étaient prêts à se battre jusqu'au dernier;
    she was on her last legs elle était au bout du rouleau;
    your car is on its last legs votre voiture ne va pas tarder à vous lâcher;
    the regime is on its last legs le régime vit ses derniers jours ou est au bord de l'effondrement;
    I'll get my money back if it's the last thing I do je récupérerai mon argent coûte que coûte;
    I always clean my teeth last thing at night je me brosse toujours les dents juste avant de me coucher;
    we finished the work last thing on Tuesday afternoon on a terminé le travail juste avant de partir mardi après-midi
    (c) (most recent) dernier;
    you said that last time c'est ce que tu as dit la dernière fois;
    this time last year we were in New York l'année dernière à cette époque nous étions à New York;
    I've been here for the last five years je suis ici depuis cinq ans, cela fait cinq ans que je suis ici;
    I haven't been to church for the last few weeks je ne suis pas allé à l'église ces dernières semaines;
    I didn't like her last film je n'ai pas aimé son dernier film
    he's the last person I expected to see c'est bien la dernière personne que je m'attendais à voir;
    he's the last person I'd ask to help me c'est (bien) la dernière personne à qui je demanderais de l'aide;
    that's the last thing that's worrying me ça c'est le cadet de mes soucis;
    that's the last place I'd have looked c'est bien le dernier endroit où j'aurais cherché;
    that's the last thing I wanted je n'avais vraiment pas besoin de ça;
    you're the last one to criticize tu es vraiment mal placé pour critiquer
    she arrived last elle est arrivée la dernière ou en dernier;
    she came or finished last (in race) elle est arrivée dernière;
    and last but not least… et en dernier, mais non par ordre d'importance,…;
    last but not least on the list we have M. Livingstone et enfin sur la liste, je ne voudrais pas oublier M. Livingstone
    when did you last see him? quand l'avez-vous vu la dernière fois?;
    they last came to see us in 1989 leur dernière visite remonte à 1989;
    I can't remember when I last ate je ne sais plus quand j'ai pris mon dernier repas;
    Commerce & Finance last in, first out dernier entré, premier sorti
    (c) (lastly) enfin, en dernier lieu;
    last, I would like to say… et pour finir, je voudrais dire…
    3 noun
    (a) (final one) dernier(ère) m,f;
    am I the last? (to arrive) suis-je le dernier?;
    the last in the class le dernier de la classe;
    she was the last to arrive elle est arrivée la dernière;
    the last of the Romanovs le dernier des Romanov;
    the next to last, the last but one l'avant-dernier;
    Bible the last shall be first les derniers seront les premiers
    each more handsome than the last tous plus beaux les uns que les autres;
    the day before last avant-hier;
    the night before last (at night) la nuit d'avant-hier; (in the evening) avant-hier soir;
    the winter before last l'hiver d'il y a deux ans;
    the Prime Minister before last l'avant-dernier Premier ministre
    that was the last I saw of her c'est la dernière fois que je l'ai vue, je ne l'ai pas revue depuis;
    I hope that's the last we see of them j'espère qu'on ne les reverra plus;
    I'll never see the last of this! je n'en verrai jamais la fin!, je n'en viendrai jamais à bout!;
    I think we've heard the last of him je pense qu'on n'en entendra plus parler;
    we'll never hear the last of it on n'a pas fini d'en entendre parler;
    you haven't heard the last of this! (as threat) vous aurez de mes nouvelles!;
    leave the pans till last gardez les casseroles pour la fin, lavez les casseroles en dernier;
    literary to look one's last on sth voir qch pour la dernière fois;
    literary to breathe one's last rendre le dernier soupir;
    literary to be near one's last (death) être proche de sa fin
    (d) (remainder) reste m;
    we drank the last of the wine on a bu ce qui restait de vin
    free at last enfin libre;
    at long last enfin;
    now at last I understand enfin, je comprends;
    at long last she's found a job she enjoys elle a enfin trouvé un emploi qui lui plaît;
    at last! where on earth have you been? (te voilà) enfin! mais où étais-tu donc?;
    at last he said: "do you forgive me?" enfin il demanda: "tu me pardonnes?"
    formal at the last the judges came out in her favour à la dernière minute, les juges ont décidé en sa faveur;
    she was there at the last elle est restée jusqu'au bout
    jusqu'au bout;
    faithful to the last fidèle jusqu'au bout;
    she insisted to the last that she was not guilty elle a dit jusqu'au bout qu'elle n'était pas coupable
    ►► American last call = dans un bar, moment où le barman annonce que l'heure de la fermeture approche et qu'il s'apprête à servir les dernières consommations;
    the Last Frontier = surnom donné à l'Alaska;
    the Last Judgment le Jugement dernier;
    last name nom m de famille;
    Telecommunications last number redial touche f bis;
    British last orders = dans un pub, moment où le barman annonce que l'heure de la fermeture approche et qu'il s'apprête à servir les dernières consommations;
    British Military last post (at night) extinction f des feux; (at funeral) sonnerie f aux morts;
    to sound the last post (over the grave) jouer la sonnerie aux morts;
    last rites derniers sacrements mpl;
    the Last Supper la (sainte) Cène;
    Stock Exchange last trading day dernier jour m de cotation;
    last word (final decision) dernier mot m; (latest style) dernier cri m;
    the Treasury has the last word on defence spending le ministère des Finances a le dernier mot en matière de dépenses militaires;
    she was wearing the very last word in hats elle portait un chapeau du dernier cri
    ✾ Book ✾ Film 'Last Exit to Brooklyn' Selby, Edel 'Dernière sortie pour Brooklyn'
    last2 [lɑ:st]
    it's too good to last c'est trop beau pour durer;
    if the good weather lasts si le beau temps se maintient;
    it lasted (for) ten days cela a duré dix jours;
    how long did the film last? combien de temps le film a-t-il duré?, quelle était la durée du film?;
    how long can we last without water? combien de temps tiendrons-nous sans eau?;
    the supplies will not last two months les vivres ne feront pas deux mois;
    he didn't last more than a year as a singer il n'a pas tenu plus d'un an dans la chanson;
    their romance didn't last (for) long leur idylle n'a pas duré longtemps;
    he won't last long (in job) il ne tiendra pas longtemps; (will soon die) il n'en a plus pour longtemps;
    the batteries didn't last (for) long les piles n'ont pas duré longtemps;
    familiar cakes never last long in this house (they get eaten quickly) les gâteaux ne durent jamais très longtemps dans cette maison;
    built/made to last construit/fait pour durer
    we've got enough food to last another week nous avons assez à manger pour une semaine encore
    (c) (keep fresh → food) se conserver;
    these flowers don't last (long) ces fleurs ne tiennent ou ne durent pas (longtemps)
    his money didn't last him to the end of the holiday il n'a pas eu assez d'argent pour tenir jusqu'à la fin des vacances;
    have we got enough to last us until tomorrow? en avons-nous assez pour tenir ou aller jusqu'à demain?;
    my camera's lasted me ten years mon appareil photo a duré dix ans;
    that fountain pen will last you a lifetime vous pourrez garder ce stylo à plume toute votre vie;
    it has lasted him well ça lui a fait de l'usage;
    she couldn't last the pace elle n'a pas pu tenir le rythme
    (a) (survive) tenir;
    I'm not sure I'll last out at this job je ne sais pas si je pourrai faire ce travail longtemps;
    how long will he last out? combien de temps peut-il tenir?
    (b) (be enough) suffire;
    will our supplies last out till the end of the month? les provisions suffiront-elles jusqu'à la fin du mois?
    he didn't last the night out il n'a pas passé la nuit, il est mort pendant la nuit;
    will the play last out the month? est-ce que la pièce tiendra le mois?;
    to last the year out (person) survivre jusqu'à la fin de l'année; (supplies) suffire pour l'année;
    my overcoat will last the winter out mon pardessus fera encore l'hiver;
    I don't know if I'll be able to last out the afternoon without any coffee je ne sais pas si j'arriverai à tenir tout l'après-midi sans café
    (for shoes) forme f

    Un panorama unique de l'anglais et du français > last

  • 7 well

    (to have a good, or bad, opinion of: She thought highly of him and his poetry.) ter boa (má) opinião de
    * * *
    [wel] n 1 poço (água, petróleo, gás). 2 fonte, nascente. 3 reservatório de tinta em tinteiro. 4 Naut arca da bomba. 5 poço de escada ou de elevador. 6 buraco vertical profundo. 7 Jur lugar reservado ao solicitador. 8 Naut tanque de um barco de pesca onde se conservam vivos os peixes. • vt+vi manar, nascer, jorrar, verter, brotar ( out/up/ forth de). tears welled up to her eyes / lágrimas brotaram de seus oIhos. to well over (with) transbordar de.
    [wel] adj 1 bom, certo, satisfatório. all will be well / tudo ficará bom. 2 favorável, apropriado. 3 desejável, aconselhável. it would be well for him to come / seria aconselhável que ele viesse. 4 saudável, curado. • adv 1 bem, satisfatoriamente, favoravelmente, apropriadamente. I am quite well here / eu me sinto bem satisfeito aqui. 2 perfeitamente, excelentemente. 3 completamente, cabalmente. 4 bastante, suficientemente. 5 detalhadamente, profundamente, intimamente. 6 propriamente, razoavelmente. 7 adequadamente. • interj bem! bom! incrível. all is well that ends well tudo está bem quando acaba bem. all very well tudo muito bem (frase irônica para introduzir uma objeção ao que foi dito antes). and well it might be e poderia bem ser. as well também, em adição, igualmente. as well as assim como, tanto... como. in London as well as in New York / tanto em Londres como em Nova York. a well man um homem sadio. before I was well out of the kitchen antes que eu conseguisse estar bem fora da cozinha. he is well on sl ele está bem animado, ele bebeu. it is well on the way está bem encaminhado, bastante progredido. it may well be that é bem possível que. just as well por sorte, sortudo. pretty well quase. they played well into the evening eles jogaram até alta noite. they stand well/ not very well with him eles estão bem/não muito bem com ele. to come off well acabar bem. to do well a) prosperar. he is doing well / ele vai indo bem, está fazendo bons progressos. b) ser sábio, esperto. they did well to go / fizeram bem em ir embora. to leave well alone deixar como está. to mean well ter boas intenções. to wish someone well desejar sorte, sucesso, para alguém, desejar que nada de mal aconteça para alguém. I wish you well! / eu lhe desejo todo o sucesso! very well muito bem. well and good está tudo muito bem. well and truly completamente. well, and what of all this? bem, e então? e daí? well away a) progredindo rapidamente. b) bem longe, distante. c) muito bêbado, bastante embriagado. well done! bem feito! muito bem! bravo! well enough aceitável, passável, aproveitável. well met! você vem no momento oportuno. well now, well then a) então. b) bem. c) e agora. d) pois bem. e) por mim. f) de acordo. well off a) em circunstâncias satisfatórias. b) bem de vida, abastado. they are well off / eles estão bem de vida. c) felizardo, sortudo. well on in years de idade avançada. well, well! bem, bem! calma, devagar! we might just as well have stayed home daria na mesma se tivéssemos ficado em casa. you may well say pode-se dizer (ou afirmar) seguramente.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > well

  • 8 wire

    1. noun
    1) (( also adjective) (of) metal drawn out into a long strand, as thick as string or as thin as thread: We need some wire to connect the battery to the rest of the circuit; a wire fence.) fio de arame
    2) (a single strand of this: There must be a loose wire in my radio somewhere.) fio
    3) (the metal cable used in telegraphy: The message came over the wire this morning.) fio
    4) (a telegram: Send me a wire if I'm needed urgently.) telegrama
    2. verb
    1) (to fasten, connect etc with wire: The house has been wired (up), but the electricity hasn't been connected yet.) ligar com arame
    2) (to send a telegram to: Wire me if anything important happens.) mandar um telegrama
    3) (to send (a message) by telegram: You can wire the details to my brother in New York.) telegrafar
    - wiring
    - high wire
    - wire-netting
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    [w'aiə] n 1 arame. 2 corda de instrumento. 3 fio elétrico. 4 rede ou tela de arame. 5 grade de gaiola. 6 armadilha de arame para caçar coelhos. 7 arame para mover os títeres ou bonecos de um teatro. 8 cerca de arame farpado. 9 linha telegráfica ou telefônica. 10 telégrafo, telegrafia. 11 telegrama, despacho telegráfico. 12 sl batedor de carteiras. 13 coll escuta, gravador portátil. • vt+vi 1 amarrar ou prender com arame. 2 Electr ligar, fazer ligação ou instalação. 3 cercar (com arame). 4 Mil proteger, fortificar (posição, com arame farpado). 5 enfiar em arame (contas). 6 caçar com armadilhas de arame. 7 coll telegrafar a. he was wired for / ele foi chamado por telegrama. 8 enviar dinheiro de um banco a outro eletronicamente. he wired 100 dollars to his mother / ele mandou 100 dólares para sua mãe (através de uma ordem de banco). barbed wire a) arame farpado. b) cerca de arame farpado. copper wire arame de cobre. down to the wires até o último momento. fine wire arame fino. live wire a) Electr condutor sob tensão. b) sl valentão. to get your wires corssed ficar confuso com o que outra pessoa está dizendo. to pull wires a) dirigir ocultamente outra pessoa. b) obter os seus objetivos por meio de influência secreta. c) mexer os pauzinhos.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > wire

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